Monday, September 7, 2009

Letter "M"

This morning we discussed the letter M. I told the container story and then the Princess and the Glass Mountain. I really followed the great suggestion of reading that story 3 nights in a row. I couldn't believe how much I absorbed and was able to re-tell to them. It was a treat to watch their eyes and facial expression while I was telling.

I had the blackboard drawing ready this morning. The girls drew the new form and then did capital and lowercase M. Then they drew from the story in their main lesson books. We talked of other words that begin with M.
What fun! I can't wait to see what they will re-tell tomorrow.


  1. I really love your chalk drawing! Your horse is really beautiful. I will have to try that idea with reading the story and see if that helps it stick in my head better. : ) I really like your daughters horse to what fun!

  2. That's a great chalkboard drawing!...My boys are so crazy about horses, they would love it!...I am going to try reading a story three nights in a row to see if that helps me :-)
